This should be impossible! So I have a Wii, kind of boring, only reason to keep it in my opinion is for SSBB and when the new Zelda comes out. So I was thinking of selling it on ebay, so i searched Wii and found a Nintendo Wii for $325, and they're only selling 1 wii mote and nunchuck and wiisports with their wii, but if I sold my Wii with my two wiimotes and nunchucks plus mario kart, wii sports, and SSBB. The chances are, I'd make at least $375-$415 and then I could buy an Xbox with that money, so I searched on ebay, Xbox 360 Pro and found only $219 for a $300 system. and if I bought Halo 3 for $32 and another controller for $24. If I actually did all this I'd end up with about $115 left (assuming i will sell my wii at $390) So I could buy some games, Xbox LIVE and an ethernet cable, or just save it.
I also just figured out that if my Wii sells for $390 which I know it'll sell for more, especially with Christmas coming up, and I bought the Xbox 360 Pro and everything else at a store, I'd have about -$20. So that means I'd be saving about $140. So what do you think Newgrounds?
But my mom doesn't want me to do it.. and.. its just so painful to pass this up...
Xbox all the way